Heidelberg migration to
64:2.3(719;6) plants and animals dislocated by glaciers found in
61:7.16(702;6) volcanoes in Cretaceous
60:3.6(689;5) early Christian and Mithraic
98:6.3(1083;3) family hearths were a. for Andites
94:1.1(1027;2) polluted if built of hewn stone
92:2.2(1004;5) child's relationship with
91:3.1(996;7) effective prayer technique for practical purposes
91:3.7(997;5) Adjuster gives origin to unselfish interest in welfare of others; leads to happiness
103:5.1,3(1133;6) differences in status essential to development of
64:6.34(726;6) fire provided man with first means of
a. without loss
69:6.3(777;6) learned in one's family
84:7.28(941;9) noble soul is generous among the grasping
131:3.6(1447;3) only religion lastingly increases
99:1.5(1087;2) only a well-unified personality can arbitrate multiform contentions regarding
103:5.4(1134;2) overdeveloped
a. may seriously injure the self
103:2.10(1131;9) reason, morality, and religion necessary for
16:9.7-8(196;3) selflessness inherent in parental love
2:6.4(41;2) spirit of self-forgetfulness; service of one's fellows
3:5.7,13(51;6) unselfishness
by conquest of a belligerent self
unnatural, aside from parental instinct
16:9.7(196;3) unwise to bestow sympathy upon unsalvable inferiors
52:2.12(592;5) neighboring universe to Nebadon
32:2.12(360;1) 1-2-3 the first supported
77:9.5(866;4) Adjuster empowered loyalty of
67:3.7(756;8) outstanding human hero of Lucifer rebellion; Andonite; associate of Van
67:8sec(761;8) remained on Urantia 150,000 years after rebellion, until arrival of Adam
67:6.4,8(759;7) translated to Jerusem 7 years after Adam's arrival
74:5.2(833;2) 55 translated to Jerusem; remainder stayed
67:6.3(759;6) 144 loyal Andonites including Amadon
67:8.4(762;3) descendants of Andonites who remained loyal with Van and Amadon; more cultural than racial term
73:1sec(821;4) joined Nodites to become Vanites
77:4.10(860;5) traditional enmity with Nodites
73:1.4(822;1) mother of Perpetua, Peter's wife; cured of malaria
145:2.15-16(1631;3) king; assassinated after military defeat
97:9.22(1074;4) human ambassadors
on neighboring planet
primitive peace
a. sucked each other's blood
a. dates from Adam; great step forward
74:5.8(834;2) universe ambassadors
judicially appointed; represent local universes
Melchizedeks serve as
a. to other universes
none between superuniverses
Solitary Messengers serve as temporary
Trinity Teacher Sons represent local universes
Vorondadeks serve as
35:5.5(390;2) Nordics traded in
80:9.4(897;7) Abraham's surrender of personal a.
93:6.7(1021;3) belief in charms destroyed
a. 88:6.6(972;6) bowing down before idols of selfish
4:3.1(57;6) Buddhists taught all human striving distasteful
94:8.13(1037;1) dangerous
until fully socialized
when motivated by self-seeking or vengeance
177:4.10(1926;3) few mortals dare to draw available personality credits
48:7.6(556;6) forceful
a. essential to material success
futile without an audience to parade before
68:2.10(765;7) Jesus repeatedly dashed his apostles'
a. 139:0.1(1548;1) many will not persist in morontia; true
a. satisfied
44:8.4-5(508;2) may thwart maternal instinct
84:1.7(932;4) opposed by animal indolence
111:7.5(1223;7) spirit-born are calm while fondest
a. perish
100:2.8(1096;5) virtually destroyed by Vedic doctrines
94:2.4(1029;2) will be finished in eternity if worth finishing
111:3.7(1219;6) Chaldean herder who first saw Melchizedek
93:2.1-3(1015;1) restore fraudulently obtained wealth
132:5.8,12(1464;2) influenced El Shaddai concept
96:1.5(1053;3) influenced Hebrews and Greeks
95:4.4(1046;5) known as son of man
95:4.1(1046;2) Mesopotamian religion entered Hebrew literature through
95:1.11(1043;6) depiction of birth at Luxor
111:0.5(1215;5) believer in Amida Buddha
94:12.3(1041;1) King David laid heavy tribute on
97:9.14(1073;4) initial animal life
59:1.1(673;1) little changed since ancient times
65:2.4(732;2) backward clans who were committing suicide
93:6.2(1020;5) born Jan. 9, A.D. 7; died Dec. 3, A.D. 12
127:3.13(1400;5) Jesus got along well with
124:4.3(1371;6) overprotected by parents; not dependable
177:2.2-4(1921;6) led Aden to believe in Jesus
159:2.4(1765;2) story of swine aided in permanency of cure
151:6.6(1696;4) denounced drunkenness, immorality of northern tribes
97:4.1-4(1065;4) Father spoke through
155:6.2(1730;6) John the Baptist came from herdsmen like
135:6.3(1502;1) proclaimed Yahweh God of all nations; attacked chosen people concept
97:4.2,4(1065;5) secret writing began Old Testament
97:9.20(1074;2) stoned to death
97:4.4(1066;1) threatened God would abandon Israel unless righteousness re-established
97:8.3(1071;1) regenerated Sethite priesthood ca. 15,000 B.C.
92:5.6(1009;3) in Caesarea sat 20,000
130:2.1(1429;3) young Jesus suggested building a. in Nazareth
124:3.8-9(1371;1) technical a. cannot reveal what a person can do
12:9.4(141;5) leadership unfailingly provided for
181:2.16(1958;3) Greek mechanist who recognized First Cause
98:2.6(1079;3) appointed steward of Cornelius
130:2.5(1430;3) converted to Christianity by Philip
130:2.5(1430;3) Greek with whom Jesus spoke in Caesarea
130:2.4-5(1430;2) perished in slaughter of 20,000 Jews
130:2.5(1430;3) advancing ghost cult made inevitable
87:3.1(960;5) always fostered monogamy
83:6.3(927;4) backward-looking
79:8.8(888;1) based on belief the dead punished the disobedient
68:4.3(767;3) Buddhism amalgamated with
94:11.1(1038;8) failure to have sons viewed as supreme calamity
84:7.19(940;15) great strength is value placed upon the family
Confucius established respect for ancestral conduct
94:6.9(1034;4) in Europe after fall of Rome
79:8.3(887;3) Jews tended to overhonor ancestors
140:8.14(1581;1) regrettably persists in China, Japan, and India
92:6.9(1012;1) ritual developed into pseudo seance; ghosts appeared
70:7.11(791;8) solar veneration became species of
(A's continue...)