divine builders, celestial artisans
44:3.6(502;5) Deities not given to useless duplication of ministry
6:4.2(76;2) mental
e. arises from unification of mind and spirit
100:4.3(1097;7) ascenders learn real mental effort in Havona
26:7.1(292;5) essential to acquirement of survival values
50:6.3(578;3) loyalties not exercised for good without a struggle
100:4.2(1097;6) man does not ascend effortlessly in universe
117:4.7(1284;3) no happiness without intelligent
48:7.10(556;1) progress predicated upon
115:7.2(1266;3) recognition indicative of
e. granted to all
20:8.3(231;3) self element exhausts, not effort to achieve
48:6.26(555;5) exposure to many other religions prevents
103:1.3(1130;2) accurate reform of calendar 7000 years ago
77:2.12(858;1) Andite Imhotep erected first pyramids
80:6.4(894;5) appearance of cities
79:1.4(879;1) at lowest cultural level 15,000 years ago
80:1.3(889;5) caste systems based on color
70:8.11(793;3) culture derived from Euphrates region
80:7.5(895;5) growth of commerce
81:3.1(903;3) influence on Judaism
97:8.2(1070;5) migrations in Egypt by
Bedouin Semites entered as laborers; were enslaved
successive racial domination
superior Nodites, Adamites, and Andites arrived from Euphrates valley
95:2.1(1043;7) political matters
ascendancy of
E. brought deliverance to Judah
E. put Judah under tribute
Israel conspired with
E. to refuse Assyria tribute
last battle between orange and green men in
Rome pitted Syria against
E. 121:2.8(1334;2) profligate sacrifices by ruler
belief soul and body remained together after death; hence, tomb construction
cult of Osiris and Isis
evolution of moral concepts
extensive theology; burdensome priesthood
great prophets were Amenemope, Okhban, Ikhnaton, and Moses
intellectual and moral but not overly spiritual
ka and ba concept of spirit and soul
Salem teachings took deepest root in
western end of cradle of civilization
81:1.1(900;3) composite Hebrew Deity
96:1.7(1053;5) Kenites believed in
96:1.12(1054;2) Moses became convinced his people would never fully comprehend
96:4.3(1056;5) Moses' father-in-law was Kenite worshiper of
96:4.2(1056;4) One God as taught by Ikhnaton
95:5.2(1047;2) divine Providence; service rewarded with prosperity
96:1.5-6(1053;3) Egyptian concept of God
142:3.5(1598;6) Moses' parents believed in
96:4.2(1056;4) eastern Nodite headquarters
73:1.5(822;2) Enoch was head of Nodites at
76:2.9(849;3) Nodites migrated into
E., united with Sangiks
77:4.4(859;7) Sethite priests moved eastward through
78:6.3(873;7) Nodite tribe from Elam
76:2.9(849;3) electronic movement gives rise to
42:5.8(475;4) not a basic energy of space
41:1.2(456;1) same thing as light, heat, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter
42:4.1-2(472;12) science can never say what
e. actually is
133:5.4(1476;6) 10 modified forms caused by losses of ultimatons
42:6.5(476;7) broken up at 35,000,000°F; source of solar energy
41:7.3,5,6(463;3) chemical behavior dependent on freely revolving e.
42:7.6-10(477;8) electronic condensation from pressure in dense stars
41:3.6(458;6) energy stored when ultimatons aggregate into
e. 42:5.4(474;8) gives up particle of light-energy upon collision
42:5.6(475;2) heat is measure of activity of
42:4.5(473;3) innermost 30 have intermingled energy systems; above 90 may escape
42:7.9(478;3) mesotrons disintegrate into
e. 42:8.5(479;3) no more than 100
e. in an atom
42:7.7(478;1) orbit at same relative distance from nucleus as planets around sun
42:7.1(477;3) orbital velocities beyond human imagination
42:7.3(477;5) proceed in direct lines through space
42:5.14(475;10) produce X rays when suddenly stopped
42:5.8(475;4) quanta of energy given off when
e. pass to lower energy orbits
42:5.6(475;2) spin sometimes reversed in space rays
58:3.3(667;2) Supreme Power Centers transmute ultimatons into
e. 42:4.3(473;1) take 500,000 years to reach sun's surface
41:5.4(460;8) ultimatonic axial revolution determines negative or positive reactions
42:6.6(476;8) 100 exist in local universes; 1000 in Havona
42:7.4-7(477;6) above #27 are less predictable
42:7.10(478;4) above #90, electrons may escape
42:7.9(478;3) architectural spheres have 100, like evolved planets, plus 100 morontia forms
architectural worlds abound in so-called precious
e. 46:5.24(526;6) heavier
e. not found on surface of many worlds
42:7.5(477;7) properties recur in groups of 7
42:9.2-3(479;7) radioactive
e. brought in by meteors
57:7.3(659;2) transmutation of
e. is source of solar energy
41:8.1(464;3) Andonites early developed fear of thunder, lightning, rain, snow, hail, and ice
63:6.3(716;2) spirits of fire, water, and air
96:1.1(1052;4) domesticated by 5000 B.C.
81:2.8(902;2) evolve more rapidly than mice
49:1.6(560;5) hunted by Neanderthalers
64:4.2(720;8) large brain, emotional control; lack of agility; intelligence surpassed only by man
61:3.6,10(697;1) massiveness of passing Reptilia found echo in
65:2.10(732;8) tamed by blue man
66:5.5(746;3) would not reproduce in captivity
(E's continue...)