sea squirt oxygenates blood with
65:6.4(737;4) Amadonites and Nodites who forsook Nod for Van
77:4.10(860;5) early humans exhibited considerable
62:5.4(708;2) extra clothing was early badge of distinction
69:5.6(776;4) futile without audience to parade before
68:2.10(765;7) secrecy appeals to
70:7.3(790;6) threatens to swamp present-day civilization
68:2.11(766;1) essential to concept of beauty
56:10.3(646;4) indispensable for natural selection
64:6.31(726;3) Adam and Eve and their first generation children practiced
76:4.4(851;2) combination of vegetables with meat improved diet
81:1.8(901;3) many Adamites were nonflesh eaters
52:3.8-9(593;7) practice dates from times of the Caligastia 100
66:4.7(744;6) protected women from evil eye
87:5.4(962;5) 3 universally distributed lines of energy each have velocity of 186,280 miles/second
39:3.9(433;3) Adjuster transit time from Divinington
108:1.9(1186;7) Divine Counselor required 109 days to travel 200,000 light-years
32:2.11(359;8) impossible accurately to simultaneously determine exact location and velocity of moving object
65:6.1(737;1) of seraphic transports
39:3.9(433;3) reliability of our astronomic estimates
12:4.14-15(134;3) top speed
for Jerusem transport birds is 100 mph
for Jerusem transport vehicles is 500 mph
for midwayers is 372,560 miles/second
for nonenseraphimed beings is 186,280 miles/second
for Solitary Messengers is 840 billion miles/second
gravity traversers move instantaneously
23:3.2(260;6) massive sun in Orvonton
41:4.6(460;3) magical charms concocted from
88:5.2(971;4) employed by shamans
90:1.4(987;2) Aphrodite, transplanted to Rome
98:3.3(1080;5) mortals living on
V. would be superbreathers
49:2.6(561;5) retrograde motion proves
V. was originally satellite of Angona
57:5.13-14(657;2) eternal
v. is, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
25:1.6(274;3) Roman goddess of the home; Hestia in Greece
98:3.3(1080;5) Father wields
v. scepter
3:6.1(52;4) over system conclave
55:8.1(632;4) over Urantia's planetary government exercised by Most High observer
114:5.1(1254;1) planetary helper seraphim; chief of souls of peace; proclaimed Jesus' birth
39:5.5(437;4) bosom of Father and Son
13:1.11(145;6) Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters based on
31:1.5(346;6) creature-trinitized beings held in reserve on
23:4.3(262;4) home of beings of origin in Father and Eternal Son
13:1.11(145;6) Solitary Messengers accompany creature-trinitized sons to
V.; never leave
23:4.3(262;4) Jesus had little to say about
140:8.21(1582;2) virtue carried to extremes may become vice
149:4.3(1673;3) certain
v. crowns efforts of all who run race of faith
32:5.8(365;4) conquest by sacrifice of pride and selfishness
141:3.8(1590;3) faith maintains trust in ultimate
v. regardless
101:3.4(1108;3) which overcomes world is faith
4:4.9(59;5) local system recorder; tertiary Lanonandek #374
45:3.6(512;6) man secured freedom from
v. by police regulation
81:5.5(906;3) outlawed as procedure in adjusting differences
72:5.3(813;4) religion opposes
v. in social evolution
99:2.5(1087;8) unregulated competition breeds
71:5.1(805;1) religious leaders called offspring of
175:1.21(1908;5) Christianity incorporated miraculous birth of Mithras
98:7.7(1084;6) religious leaders believed born of virgins
92:5.3(1008;5) sun god supposed to be father of virgin-born sons
85:5.3(947;6) bearing child before marriage increased girl's desirability among primitives
82:3.13(917;1) custom for priests to have initial intercourse with
84:4.5(935;5) dedicated to tending sacred temple fires
89:8.1(982;5) primitives restricted bathing practices of
84:1.3-4(931;6) religious leaders conceived as being born of
92:5.3(1008;5) virgin daughters were commercial asset to fathers
82:4.5(917;8) cardinal virtues of Socrates were wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice
98:2.6(1079;3) carried to extreme,
v. may become vice
149:4.3(1673;3) is righteousness; conformity with the cosmos
16:7.6-7(193;5) not truly acquired until acts make one worthy of it
48:7.19(557;3) proportion required in exercise of
16:7.7(193;6) realized by consistent choosing of good over evil
16:7.6(193;5) supreme
v. is wholeheartedly to do Father's will
16:7.10(193;9) most are renegade parasitic fungi
65:2.3(732;1) Buddha and Christ are claimed to be incarnations of
94:4.9(1032;1) member of Hindu trinitarian concept
104:1.5(1144;2) often shown with horse's head
85:3.4(946;6) periodically incarnating Hindu deity
94:4.5(1031;6) celestial beings with exclusive spirit vision cannot see matter
44:0.9-11(498;4) range of material and spiritual
44:0.9-11(498;4) we would be unable to see morontia temples if there, as we are
44:3.9(502;8) allow Adjuster constantly to bring forth pictures of eternal purposes of uphill struggle
v. as divine communications
shamanesses threw themselves into trances
under no circumstances cultivate state of visionary consciousness
100:5.8(1099;6) humans sometimes permitted to see seraphic transporters
39:5.12(438;5) Jesus did not indulge in religious
v. 196:0.10(2088;5) Kirmeth of Bagdad was trance prophet
148:8.3(1666;2) particular visions
3 celestial beings appeared to Abraham at Mamre
Jesus' vision at his baptism
Jesus saw celestial hosts
John the Revelator saw
Lucifer rebellion
post-Teacher Son era
Paul saw
wise men have seen
v. of greater heaven
48:6.12(553;4) true prophetic vision is not trancelike ecstasy
(V's continue...)