surviving fragments of a great revelation to the Apostle John
139:4.14(1555;7) cannibalism part of solemn ceremony of
r. 89:5.5-6(979;4) character is measured by ability to resist holding grudges
156:5.17(1740;4) creative imagination inhibited by
111:4.9(1220;8) make no allowance for
140:8.5(1579;7) material irritant of immaturity
160:3.5(1778;3) planned in mind courts judgment
140:6.4(1576;4) result of ignorance of true longings of fellows
174:1.5(1898;5) spiritual deliverance from
141:3.8(1590;3) vengeance
aim of primitive life
does not right wrongs
is mine, says the Lord
suicide hunger strikes were ancient modes of retaliation
70:10.10(795;7) when enemy smites you, turn the other cheek
159:5.9-12(1770;1) all celestial beings enjoy
84:8.5(942;6) collaborate with heavenly reproducers
44:2.10(501;9) collaborate with Joys of Existence
28:5.16(312;3) directors of change and relaxation
48:4.3(547;6) in Uversa personality register
30:2.26(338;3) lessen irritability and resentment in groups
43:8.9(494;8) maintain headquarters on each mansion world
47:0.4(530;4) operate chiefly from local system headquarters
37:10.4(416;4) promote relaxation and humor, reverting memory to former state, thought change, mind rest
48:4.9-10(548;4) recruited from Havona natives to morontia progressors, who predominate
48:4.9(548;4) disastrous suddenly to liberate great numbers of slaves
69:8.9(779;8) displaced evolution in planetary rebellion
67:5.1(758;6) Jesus was a progressive evolutionist, not a revolutionary
149:2.11(1671;6) nearly fatal to undertake wholesale change of mores by
68:4.6(767;6) no great social or economic change should be effected suddenly
81:6.40(911;5) technique of Caligastia
136:9.2(1522;1) all units of cosmic energy are in
12:4.1(133;3) deferred r. inherent in unselfish service
28:5.17(312;4) extend help without thought of
131:8.5(1452;3) joy, communion, eternal life are believers' only
141:7.5(1593;6) of personal satisfaction in showing mercy
28:6.8(315;2) real rewards are spiritual
193:4.11(2056;9) religion is not magical promises of future mystical r.
99:5.2(1091;1) satisfaction of righteousness transcends any material reward
39:4.13(435;6) successful Neanderthal hunters got choice of wives
64:4.2,12(720;8) Nordic-Danubian culture mingled along
80:9.3(897;6) increases efficiency, augments pleasure
44:4.11(504;3) practiced to influence the spirits
90:4.6(991;5) thought recorders, celestial artisans
44:4.11(504;3) thrown on newlyweds to ensure fecundity
83:4.5(925;1) Jesus often similarly advised well-to-do disciples
163:2.11(1803;2) sought to buy healing
149:1.9(1670;1) beware poison darts of
174:0.2(1897;2) do not indulge in sarcasm
159:3.4(1765;6) Judas influenced by Sadducean friends'
172:5.13(1887;1) withering influence of
174:3.5(1900;5) Brahmans culled sacred writings to create
R.-V. in order to combat Salem teachers
94:1.7(1028;3) distinction between mind and heart
111:0.7(1216;1) most variegated system of theology ever developed
94:1.7(1028;3) portrayed one spirituality of Hindu gods
96:0.1(1052;1) all rights associated with duties
81:5.6(906;4) for ghost cultists, spirits' co-operation
87:5.10(963;5) presence of God
5:2.2(64;5) Adjuster creates hunger and thirst for
101:2.12(1107;4) are you a better
r. recommender?
156:5.15(1740;2) be valiant in defense of
178:1.14(1931;5) believers have implicit faith in triumph of
156:5.12(1739;7) best way is the right way
12:7.2(137;3) better little with
r. than riches with wickedness
149:5.2(1674;4) comes not from passive attitudes
159:5.12(1770;4) defined as
conformity with the cosmos
identification with Father's plan
love, mercy, and truth the desire to do will of God
more to be desired than sovereignty of all the earth
natural fruit of spirit-born life
necessary to do work of kingdom
progressive character development
yielding satisfaction transcending material reward
39:4.13(435;6) exemplify the beautiful wholeness of
155:1.5(1726;2) eyes of the Lord are over the righteous
4:1.4(55;2) God gives to man
96:7.7(1060;7) God is source of moral law
2:6.5(41;3) God's
r. exhibited as equal hatred for sin
2:6.7(41;5) God's
r. not dominated by strict retributive justice
2:6.6(41;4) hunger and thirst for
r. leads to discovery of truth
103:4.2(1133;2) Ikhnaton's religion in daily life
95:5.8(1048;2) in Havona, natural enjoyment of doing things rightly
14:5.3(158;6) make friends with forces of
169:2.5(1854;1) mind that discerns God is pure mind
101:1.3(1104;6) Moses taught
r. always rewarded with prosperity, power
135:5.1(1500;1) necessity to go to the people reveals lack of
155:1.5(1726;2) nourishes individual creativity
182:1.8(1965;2) only the poor in spirit hunger for
140:5.8(1574;1) rabbis taught that the ignorant could not enjoy
138:8.7(1545;8) requires contrast of potential evil
3:5.13(51;12) married women set apart by
82:2.5(915;3) son's
r. given to prodigal son
(R's continue...)