earliest cultures arose along
68:5.2(768;2) no raging
r. on Jerusem or Edentia
46:2.2(520;7) good
r. interconnected major centers in times of Jesus
121:1.4(1332;5) put on prodigal son
169:1.9(1852;2) Cambrian overthrust Cretaceous in British Columbia
60:3.14(690;5) Mithraic cult portrayed militant god taking origin in a great rock
98:5.3(1082;4) rock flour is glacial product
61:7.1(700;6) dinosaurs buried in
60:2.2(687;3) at Jesus' 12th appearance
191:6sec(2044;2) instructed by former apostle of John the Baptist
161:0.2(1783;2) instructed inquiring Greeks
177:3.5(1924;1) Jesus assigned Nathaniel and Thomas to talk with
161:0.2(1783;2) Jesus declined to enter into conference with
161:1.2(1783;4) one of greatest of his race
160:5.14(1782;5) pupils of
R. converted Stephen and Barnabas
all Adjuster-indwelt beings are on
guardian angels respond to roll call; Adjusters make no answer
resurrection of sleeping survivors
113:6.8(1247;6) rejoice your names are written on rolls of heaven
163:6.2(1807;1) ancient continence cult fostered celibate priesthood
89:3.6(977;1) authority over things temporal, affairs of kingdom, given to apostles and successors
157:4.5-6(1747;3) call no man father in spiritual sense
175:1.10(1907;2) inelastic by 15th century A.D.
92:5.12(1010;3) Mother of God sect's headquarters on exact site of St. Peter's in Rome
98:3.5(1080;7) persecution and intolerance come from assumption of superiority and exclusive authority
134:4.3-5(1486;6) spiritual menace in galaxy of saints
195:4.2(2074;8) totalitarian medieval church was mother of secularism
195:8.2-4(2081;2) Jesus' talk with, about loyalty
133:4.3(1474;3) compelled Simon of Cyrene to carry crossbeam
187:1.10(2006;3) entered into full fellowship of kingdom
187:5.4(2010;5) helped bear body of Jesus to tomb; rolled door-stone
188:1.3,5(2013;2) stood astride Master's body with drawn sword
188:1.1(2012;4) told Luke story of thief on cross
187:4.3(2009;2) took Jesus to Annas by prearrangement
184:0.1(1978;1) attributes of Roman state
71:1.13(801;1) foreign policy
Judea was the most difficult province to govern; error to have sent Pilate
objectives in Levant
overcame nationalism by imperial universalism
included all of southern Europe, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, northwest Africa
132:0.3(1455;3) no Latin word for unselfishness
195:3.3(2073;7) political genius for empire administration
195:1.8(2072;1) practice of carrying water 3 times around corpse
87:6.5(964;4) practice of throwing stone into air invoking Jupiter
85:1.3(945;1) reasons for decline; too rapid extension with internal degeneration
195:3.8-9(2074;3) religion
conquered by cults and god concepts of Egypt, Greece, and the Levant
fought Christianity at first
influence on Christianity
mostly observances of forms, vows, and taboos
receptive to Christian teachings
spiritually unsatisfied in times of Jesus
took over Greek culture, religion
social situation
5 social strata in times of Jesus
favored monogamous marriage
half population were slaves; majority inferiors
half the year wasted on cult ceremonies
no widespread social problems
Romans contrasted with Greeks and Jews
Romans were great, governed themselves; lawyers by nature and training
195:2.4-6(2072;8) Jesus' talk with, about fair judgment
133:4.7(1474;7) Jude appeared before
128:6.7(1415;7) Jesus' talk with, about judgment
132:4.8(1462;1) Jesus suggested people should support government
132:4.5(1461;3) bribed to say disciples took Jesus' body
189:2.4(2023;3) fled when stone rolled away from Jesus' tomb
189:2.4(2023;3) sensitive to Jewish disrespect
128:6.5(1415;5) ancients were great believers in love charms
88:5.2(971;4) Andite contribution
83:2.5(923;5) of courtship largely responsible for increasing divorce
83:7.7(929;1) Prince's staff fostered courtship
66:5.29(748;10) Claudus preached in
130:8.1(1440;1) largest and most cosmopolitan city of world
132:4.1(1460;5) only Zebedee knew of Jesus' trip to
134:1.2(1483;4) son of Titus of Capernaum was martyred in
146:5.2(1644;4) tradition of put-away child saved by divine intervention
89:7.3(982;2) most mansion world structures roofless
48:3.15(546;8) summer bedroom in parents' home for young Jesus
123:2.7(1358;4) tiles removed to lower paralytic
148:9.2(1666;6) collected by government in continental nation
72:7.10(816;1) effective teacher of gospel; son of Simon of Cyrene
187:1.10(2006;3) Jesus aided
R. when he was injured by oxcart
130:6.6(1438;3) old way is suppression and conformance to
(R's continue...)