dowry was once reward for sex services
82:3.10(916;6) man could take wife, children after paying bride price
84:2.5(933;3) often collected by temporary temple prostitution
89:7.5(982;4) originally, payment to bride's father for wife
83:3sec(923;7) upon divorce, repayment required
83:3.4(924;3) Chinese worship of
d. was survival of snake cult
85:3.3(946;5) in Apostle John's vision
53:7.7(608;3) symbolic representation of Lucifer and rebels
53:5.6(606;2) measured 30 inches across
59:5.7(680;9) Jesus never premeditated anything dramatic
172:3.11(1882;4) originated in acting for spirit guidance
92:3.6(1006;3) absorbed Aryan conquerors, overran most of India
79:4.2(882;2) among earliest peoples to build cities
79:3.7(881;7) Andite conquerors of India blended with natives
79:3.1(881;1) centers in river valleys
79:3.6(881;6) founded superior civilization 12,000 years ago
79:3.1,8(881;1) men are naturally
99:7.5(1093;3) supinely trusting in a fictitious Providence
178:1.14(1931;5) absurdities of
d. testify to pressure of unexpressed emotions
110:5.4(1208;3) celestials seldom use
d. to communicate
86:5.7(954;6) disordered, disconnected parade of uncoordinated sleeping mind
110:5.2-5(1208;1) grotesque
d. indicate Adjusters' failure to make efficient contact
interpretation of dreams
danger to regard as divine communications
largely superstitious and groundless
d. are purely physiologic and psychologic
110:5.5(1208;4) particular dreams
Claudia Procula's of Jesus
convinced Zacharias regarding John
delivered Peter from fear of uncleanness
informed strange religious teacher of Jesus' birth
Peter's of Jesus on Sea of Galilee
reconciled Joseph regarding Jesus' birth
young Jesus' sleep disturbed by revolting
Zoroaster's caused him to remodel his religion
95:6.2(1049;5) primitives' dreams
primitives believed
d. as real as waking experience
primitives believed soul left body during
d. 86:5.4,6(954;3)
ghost dream was greatest factor in societal evolution
primitives convinced of afterlife by
d. 63:3.5(713;5),
86:4.1-2(952;7) supinely trusting in a fictitious Providence
178:1.14(1931;5) Jesus healed man with
167:1.5(1834;3) caused Andite exodus from Caspian region
79:1.3-6(878;4) caused highland tribes to invade Euphrates valley
78:8.3(875;7) drove Andonites from Asia to Europe
80:9.6(898;1) severe d. meant death to early agriculturists
90:2.6(988;2) men left routine d. to women
69:3.3(774;2) no such thing as menial labor in spiritual worlds
25:1.1(273;3) beings of direct or indirect origin in any two of the Paradise Deities
30:1.6(331;2) creation of Havona Servitals is pattern for
25:1.2(273;4) in Paradise classification
30:1.6-9(331;2) orders
A. descending orders
11. Unrevealed Universe Aids
12. Unrevealed Sons of God
B. stationary orders
C. ascending orders
5. unrevealed ascenders
30:1.9(331;5) doctrine complicated conception of cosmic unity
87:4.6(961;7) gave rise to beliefs in white and black magic
88:6.2(972;2) pitted one agency against another
87:6.6(964;5) superstition of good and bad spirits
69:3.5(774;4) young Jesus long accepted
123:3.3(1359;4) between I AM as sevenfold and 7 Absolutes of Infinity
105:4.5,8(1157;6) descended from enormous ancient reptiles
65:2.9(732;7) Caligastia contested Moses' passage to mansion worlds
52:5.5(596;3) no local universe tribunal existed to detain Lucifer
53:7.14(609;2) no way found to stop archrebels from attending Edentia councils
43:4.7-9(490;2) represents unwillingness to surrender private redress
70:10.16(796;6) substituted for tribal war
70:1.19(785;2) survival of trial by ordeal
70:10.7(795;4) Deities not given to useless
6:4.2(76;2) d. we are, and to
d. we shall return
68:6.1(769;6) according to Hinduism
131:4.6(1449;1) Adjuster translates
d. into faith in revelation
102:1.1(1118;4) eclipsing emotion of spiritual beings is joy of
25:1.6(274;3) evading duty by failing in high and holy obligations
185:0.4(1987;4) faithfully performed precludes sorrow
25:1.6(274;3) folly of running away from
d. for far-off enticements
130:1.2(1428;2) for ghost cultists, what must be done to keep spirits favorably disposed
87:5.10(963;5) idea signifies servant-mindedness
180:1.6(1945;3) in morontia, time no longer available to circumvent disagreeable obligations
48:5.8(551;3) man's understanding of
d. only relatively true
115:1.2(1260;3) moral intuition is realization of d.; cosmic mind response
16:7.1(192;8) perform
d. faithfully, then accept one's lot
48:6.25(555;4) performing earthly assignments in human faithfulness
34:6.13(381;7) promises should be kept
157:1.2(1743;4) summary of mortal duty
d. is to man, God, and fellowship; to preach gospel
bringing children into the world is supreme
d. 84:7.25-26(941;6)
deal justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God
fear God and keep his commandments
live up to responsibilities with energy and enthusiasm
recognition of progressive obligation to the Supreme
to avail ourselves of advantages so freely provided for survival
take up responsibilities daily and follow Jesus
158:7.5(1760;2) teaches man has no right not to believe in God
101:1.7(1105;4) evolving monotheists keep subordinate gods as
96:1.14(1054;4) primitive religious practices of
92:6.1(1010;5) Vedic lord of heaven
(E's ...)