energy-matter responding to linear gravity in Havona
11:8.7(126;3) cut on boy as part of puberty initiation
70:7.6(791;3) lone man helpless without a t.m.
68:1.2(763;5) often subverted sovereignty of territorial state
134:5.8(1488;6) war chiefs established father line
70:4.4(788;6) originally a loose confederation of clans
70:4.3(788;5) mud eaters; sexed animals; some had aborted eyes
59:1.15(674;5) supreme trinity of Hinduism
94:4.4-5(1031;5) deity reality, never personality reality
106:5.3-4(1167;4) experiential Trinities
culminate in personalization of Deity Absolute
embrace contributions of creature personalities
106:3.3(1166;1) facts of co-ordinate Deity manifestation
0:12.4(16;1) accomplishes what otherwise is nonattainable
0:12.8(16;5) by creatures
Adamic-finaliter pairs very successful at
t. 31:5.3(349;3)
always successful between finaliters and Paradise-Havoners (22:7.10, 14)
apparently an unlimited technique
by 2 finaliters is paradisiacal effort to actualize original identical concept of Almighty Supreme; sometimes fails
by finaliters and Paradise-Havoners repercusses in Supreme-Ultimate Mind
by Paradise-Havoners
creature-trinitized sons in personality registers
engaged in only by Deities, finaliters, Paradise Citizens and Havoners
parents thereafter spiritually inseparable; participate only once
special corps exists for mixed finaliter and Paradise-Havoner parents
supreme creative performance of spiritual beings
unbelievably long time sometimes consumed
22:7.6(249;6) by Deities,
t. constitutes authority to represent Trinity
13:1.12(146;1) precipitates unrealized potentials out of future time
22:4.5(247;4) secret of Vicegerington, Solitarington
13:1.12,18(146;1) technique by which Father divests himself of unqualified spirit personality
10:2.1(109;5) ascendant Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals embraced by Trinity; number 3.5 billion
22:6.1(248;6) emissaries of Ancients of Days on minor sectors
22:6.3(248;8) in Uversa personality register
30:2.9(336;1) serve on Spirit- and Son-fusion worlds
22:6.2(248;7) Trinitized Sons of Selection
22:6.1(248;6) assisted by several billion seconaphim
22:5.5(248;4) deal with groups, not individuals
22:5.6(248;5) finaliter seraphim and translated midway creatures embraced by Trinity
22:5.1-2(247;7) in Uversa personality register
30:2.9(336;1) officers of superuniverse major and minor sector governments; number 70 million
22:5.5,6(248;4) recognized for valiant co-operation with subsequently trinitized mortal
22:5.3(248;2) Trinitized Sons of Selection
22:1.4(244;2) are secrets of Supreme and Ultimate
13:2.10(149;3) collectively know all secrets
13:2.9(149;2) fully known only by their special world groups
13:2.9(149;2) highest order of Stationary Sons of Trinity
13:1.2(144;2) Supreme Trinity Personalities, 70 in number
function as co-ordinates of Stationary Sons of Trinity
22:4.5(247;4) in Paradise classification
30:1.5(331;1) responsible for all issues growing out of origin of individual, race, or world
28:6.2(314;1) selection is inherent and automatic
22:4.4(247;3) tertiary seconaphim assigned to
28:6.1(313;5) train briefly under Eternals of Days
22:1.3(244;1) Trinity embrace endows
T.S.o.A. with everything finaliters will achieve as 7th stage spirits
40:10.12(454;1) Trinity-embraced Adjuster-fused ascendant mortals removed from Corps of Finality
22:1.3(244;1) trio of
T.S.o.A. presents viewpoint of mortal creatures
22:4.6(247;5) beings produced by finaliters and Paradise-Havoners
22:7.14(251;4) in Uversa personality register
30:2.9,22(336;1) advised Melchizedek receivers after rebellion
67:6.5(759;8) completion seraphim attached to
39:9.1(441;5) constantly increasing in numbers
22:1.6(244;4) function as self-governing groups
22:1.7(244;5) homes are on Paradise
13:2.4(148;3) serve as Most High Assistants
37:4.2(409;7) serve on commissions approving Havona pilgrims circuit advancement
26:7.3(293;1) types
A. Deity-trinitized Sons (unrevealed)
C. creature-trinitized sons
affectionate, loyal, humble, and supremely wise regarding concept each personifies
22:10.6-7(254;3) capacity for experience inhibited
each personifies of some single universal ideal
22:10.2-7(253;4) held in reserve for future universe epoch
22:9.7(253;1) in Paradise classification
30:1.5(331;1) lack experience; less versatile or dependable than ascendant associates; sometimes err in judgment
22:9.6-7(252;8) make ascenders grateful for lowly origin, capacity for experience
22:9.6-8(252;8) remain in superuniverse of assignment
22:10.5(254;2) retrinitization may act solely on idea trinitized
22:9.5(252;7) train under Seven Supreme Executives and Trinity Teacher Sons
22:9.7(253;1) Trinity-embraced creature-trinitized sons; serve Ancients of Days
22:8.4(251;8) assigned to courts of Ancients of Days
in Paradise classification
30:1.5(331;1) selected from ascendant seraphim, midway creatures, Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals
22:1.4(244;2) Trinity embrace endows with everything finaliters will achieve as 7th stage spirits
(T's continue...)