onetime objects of worship
85:3.2(946;4) 5% of superior Andites refused to leave
78:6.6(874;3) appearance of cities
79:1.4(879;1) Ararat was Vanites sacred mountain in northern
77:4.11-12(860;6) baby Jesus sought by wise men from
122:8.5-7(1352;1) climatic changes effected ruination
78:8.11(877;1) deteriorated by influx of Arabians
80:7.9(896;1) drought drove Babylonians into
79:1.5(879;2) emigration to Egypt from
80:1.3(889;5) farmers raised animals by 5000 B.C.
81:2.8(902;2) gods reduced to concept of Bel-Marduk
96:0.1(1052;1) gradually sinking in days of Andonites
64:3.3(720;4) Greek art and science derived from
80:7.5(895;5) idolatry and immorality of priests
95:1.9(1043;4) Jesus spent 3 days with delegation from
141:8.3(1595;4) Mesopotamians regarded disease as result of evil demons
90:3.8(990;3) Mesopotamians settled Cyprus ca. 5000 B.C.
80:7.9(896;1) Nathaniel went into
139:6.9(1559;4) Primates occupied
62:4.3(707;2) remnant of believers in John the Baptist in
137:2.2(1526;2) strange teacher from M. had dream of Jesus' birth
122:8.6(1352;2) Todan carried gospel into
146:1.4(1637;6) 180 times heavier than electrons
42:8.3(479;1) atomic nuclei held together by reciprocation of
42:8.3-7(479;1) disintegrate into electrons
42:8.5(479;3) many in space rays
42:8.7(479;5) early land-life era, from 150 to 50 million years ago
60:4.6(692;4) 25 sentinels posted about Zebedee house
154:6.7(1722;3) Bethlehem was Judean headquarters
159:6.4(1771;5) carried funds to apostles and their families
159:6.3(1771;4) discontinued after Pella
171:1.5(1869;1) employed 40 50 messengers
149:0.4(1668;4) followed Jesus in boat
154:7.2(1723;5) maintained permanent headquarters for kingdom
149:0.4(1668;4) Nathan of Busiris was herald at Alexandria
191:6.1(2044;2) provided fish for temple tax payment
157:1.3(1744;1) spread report of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem
172:3.7(1881;5) unseen messenger ran by side of Jacob
182:2.5(1966;5) would not heed words of doubt over resurrection
190:1.6(2030;5) orders in Uversa personality register
personalities of Infinite Spirit
30:2.10(336;2) false
M. at Mount Gerizim
185:1.6(1988;5) Jesus
endeavored partially to meet followers' expectations
prophecies distorted to fit Jesus long after
quoted Scripture regarding
M. 190:5.4(2035;1)
M. will not sit upon throne in Jerusalem; is not son of David
believed Messiah would
establish Jews as world rulers
establish New Jerusalem as world capital
reign over world as Prince of Peace
restore Shekinah to temple; remove curse of Adam
concept of
M. did not include divine nature
lost sight of personality of
M. 136:1.3(1509;5)
nationalistic concept caused turbulence which led to nation's destruction
thought lack of sincere repentance delayed arrival
Joseph and Mary's views
M. of kingdom became Redeemer of church
170:5.3-6(1864;3) prophecy of Book of Zechariah
172:3.4(1881;2) Scriptures invoked to support contending views of
M. 136:1.1(1509;3),
172:3.4(1881;2) Cretan Andites practiced
m. ca. 12,000 B.C.
80:7.2(895;2) early commerce in metals
79:1.4(879;1) early wars fought over deposits of metals
69:4.6(775;6) Egyptians worked iron ores from Mount Sinai
80:6.3(894;4) garden Adamites pursued
76:3.8(850;4) in China after 10,000 B.C.
79:7.5(886;6) Jesus became skilled at anvil
128:2.3(1410;2) Mesopotamians worked ores from Black Sea regions
80:6.3(894;4) Prince's staff taught
66:5.25(748;6) Sumerians practiced
77:4.7(860;2) Syria was center of
80:1.2(889;4) approaches universe from inside
103:6.2(1135;4) Greeks vainly sought solace in
98:2.2-3(1078;6) atmospheric oxygen exhausted by combustion of
57:7.6,9(659;5) awesome to early man
85:1.2(944;6) bombard nonbreathing worlds
49:3.2-3(563;5) comets and m. comprise enormous amounts of matter
15:6.7(173;2) diving into suns,
m. are source of solar energy
41:7.3(463;3) few large enough to penetrate current atmosphere
57:7.10(660;2) fragments of disrupted space bodies
57:6.5(658;2) generally composed of heavy materials; accumulated on ocean bottoms
57:8.20(662;7) indicated arrival on earth of special spirits
88:1.1(967;3) large portion recaptured by sun
57:6.1(657;4) meteoric era was from 2 billion to 1 billion years ago
57:7sec(658;9) millions of meteorites enter Urantia atmosphere daily at rate of 200 miles/sec
49:3.3(563;6) planets grow by accretion from
15:5.9(171;4) primitive atmosphere afforded little protection against
57:7.10(660;2) some comets consist of swarms of
(M's continue...)