in Uversa personality register
30:2.16(336;8) not required prior to creation of superuniverses
29:2.5(321;4) Supreme Power Centers; one supervises 1000 Havona worlds; 1 million created
29:2.5(321;4) prodigious quantities of information assimilated by; used on Paradise
27:6.4(303;2) acquire comprehension of the Supreme
117:6.14(1289;7) gain experience through contact with ascenders
19:6.2(221;4) may fuse with Father fragments
19:6.3(221;5) nature
eternal beings; never were created
Trinity-origin personalities projected in perfection; nonreproducing
19:6.3(221;5) Seven Spirits of Havona Circuits are as Adjusters to
17:5.5(203;3) supreme goal is to enter finaliter corps
31:1sec(346;2) unrevealed future destiny
19:6.3-4(221;5) achievement is final test for
26:5.5(291;5) arrive with only perfection of purpose
26:4.5-8(290;2) ascendant mortals' personal education begins as
30:4.19-23(343;1) contact with creature-trinitized sons
27:3.3(300;6) do not hold personal communion with Seven Spirits of Havona Circuits
17:5.4(203;2) Grandfanda was the first
7:5.8(87;2) if defeated
advance to 2nd circuit; return to superuniverses
certified as passing Havona test before leaving
if remanded to superuniverses, go to most propitious one; always succeed on 2nd attempt
remanded to superuniverses with guardian angel or Paradise Companion
26:3.9(289;2) never prematurely admitted
14:2.9(155;3) no more examinations after attaining Infinite Spirit
26:8.3(294;2) no residential status on Paradise until completion of Havona, terminal rest of time
26:7.4(293;2) nonresidential trips to Paradise with superaphic associate, Graduate Guide, and Havona Servital
26:7.4(293;2) same Graduate Guide stays with
H.p. 24:6.3(270;1),
26:7.4(293;2) send adoration to Creator Son upon Havona arrival
30:4.21(343;3) traverse achieved space without ensupernaphimation
14:5.5(159;1) willingness to believe is key to Havona
26:4.8(290;5) work to attain spiritual development for Paradise
14:4.9(157;8) 1/4 who achieve divine embrace never return
24:7.3-6(271;2) 7 Universal Conciliators created for each Servital
25:3.15(278;6) 138 billion serve on Uversa
25:1.7(274;4) creatures of Seven Master Spirits and Seven Supreme Power Directors
25:1.2(273;4) fourth creatures discern reality of spirit and matter; are semiphysical
44:0.10(498;5) help ascenders on superuniverse capitals
25:1.5,7(274;2) involved in phases of Supremacy
24:7.8(271;7) "midway creatures" of Havona
25:1.1(273;3) number is prodigious; more being created
25:1.3(273;5) resemble individual Master Spirits
25:1.7(274;4) stay with same pilgrim throughout his ascent
26:9.5(274;4) allowed women to redeem lives by sexual surrender
89:7.4(982;3) captured enemies' souls
86:5.11(955;3) head hunting accounted for by belief in skull fetishes
88:1.8(968;3) made slaves of murderers' ghosts
87:2.8(960;2) practiced skull worship, provided scapemen
89:0.1(974;1) youth of
h. cannot marry until possessed of a head
82:3.5(916;1) medicine men trephined skulls to heal
90:4.4(991;3) material and spiritual treatment at Bethsaida hospital
spiritual healing
impossible except in accordance with Father's will
John's apostles anointed with oil for
kingdom cannot be built upon
works of faith come not forth from unbelief
158:5.2(1757;2) majority not permanently spiritually benefited
145:3.14(1633;5) only 7 of the 683 enrolled at school for evangelists
148:1.4(1658;3) arises from integration of truth, beauty, and goodness
2:7.11(43;4) arises from unification of mind and spirit
100:4.3(1097;7) first attention paid to
h. in continental nation industry
72:7.2(815;2) happiness does good like medicine
131:2.9(1445;3) Prince's staff promoted hygiene, sanitation, cooking
66:5.17-22(747;7) religious experience markedly influenced by
110:6.4(1209;4) result of material causes
166:4.10(1831;1) spiritual joy is tonic for
194:3.19(2065;7) extended in light and life
55:6.3(630;6) Andite family altar
94:1.1(1027;2) deceitful above all things; source of evil
153:3.5(1712;5) some ancients believed soul resided in
86:5.11(955;3) reflective of superaphic intelligence co-ordinators
28:5.15(312;2) secondary seconaphim, reflective associates of Divine Counselors; selectively reflect counsel of all beings
28:5.15(312;2) disrupts matter and dissipates energy
42:4.7(473;5) measure of electronic activity
42:4.5,7(473;3) overcomes gravity stability
42:4.8(473;6) same thing as light, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter
42:4.1-2(472;12) some suns shine without
h. 15:6.3(172;5)
(H's continue...)