life-dawn era, 550 to 400 million years ago
59:0.3(672;3) disrupted unity of Christianity
92:5.12(1010;3) inelasticity of church rendered further growth incompatible with unity
92:5.12(1010;3) emitted from carbon atom in solar reaction
41:8.1(464;3) held in nucleus by reciprocating mesotron
42:8.3-4(479;1) more than 100 electrons in atom instantaneously disrupt the central p.
42:7.7(478;1) cell is biologic unit of material life
49:1.2(560;1) must be killed to be analyzed
65:6.1(737;1) philosophy of Amenemope
95:4.3-5(1046;4) domain of Infinite Spirit and Supreme Being
9:1.3(99;2) God many times thrusts a Father's hand into human affairs
118:10.6(1305;1) historical teachings
Egyptian teaching that prosperity was reward for serving El Shaddai
Hebraic belief in
Jews derived concept from Egyptians
Moses was believer in
pessimism of Ecclesiastes was reaction to overoptimistic belief in
shamans viewed as custodians of
p. 90:2.10(988;6) inexorable function of other-than-personal overcontrol of universe
118:10.4(1304;6) interlocking activities of celestial beings who labor for honor of God and advancement of his children
4:1.1-2,7) 5:1.8(63;6), 9:2.3-5(100;5) intervention indicates importance of a person's function with respect to some total
118:10.5(1304;7) misunderstandings of providence
catastrophes not visitations of
p. 149:2.10(1671;5)
inexplicable things of life are termed mysterious dispensations of
p. 85:0.4(944;4)
most of what mortals call providential is not
118:10.9(1305;4) represents slow and sure emergence of Supreme
118:10.21(1307;2) supinely trusting in a fictitious
p. 178:1.14(1931;5) carried too far, leads to cowardice and failure
149:4.4(1673;4) #1 is heart of teachings of Ikhnaton; written by Ikhnaton, Amenemope
95:5.7(1048;1) #22 my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
187:5.2(2010;3) #24 who shall ascend the hill of Most Highs
43:6.3(492;3) #46 there is a river, the streams whereof
43:3.3(488;5) #91 he who dwells in the secret place of Most High
43:3.4(488;6) #113 to #118 chanted by pilgrims at feast of tabernacles
162:4.4(1794;3) #130 chanted by Nazarenes on way to Jerusalem
125:0.2(1377;2) embrace period from Amenemope to Isaiah
96:7.3(1060;3) greatest wealth of devotion and inspiration
96:7.3-4(1060;3) Hallel is responsive reading of
162:6.2(1795;6) interpretation changed on Messianic Psalm
174:4.6(1901;6) many written by Egyptians and Mesopotamians
96:7.2(1060;2) written in stone by Salem missionaries
95:1.10(1043;5) 7th circle
1 pair of seraphic guardians for 1000 mortals
entry upon development of moral responsibility
110:6.13(1210;8) 6th circle
1 pair of seraphic guardians for 500 mortals
113:1.7(1242;2) 5th circle
1 pair of seraphic guardians for 100 mortals
113:1.7(1242;2) 4th circle
1 pair of seraphic guardians for 10 mortals
113:1.7(1242;2) 3rd circle
achievement of 3rd circle brought Adjuster prior to Spirit of Truth
adjutant influence diminishes after
possible immediate resurrection for those attaining
subject must attain for Adjuster's self-activity
109:2.3(1196;5) 1st circle
Adjuster can speak directly and immediately with subject
termination of adjutant mind-spirit ministry as exclusive influence
110:6.21(1211;6) also known as cosmic circles of coordinate mortal attainment; cosmic levels
110:6.16(1211;1) attainment
additional time for, afforded on mansion worlds
adds to ability of Adjuster to function
augments potential of human achievement
does not equate to Adjuster fusion
increases consciousness of relation to Supreme Being, universe citizenship
marks steps preliminary to fusion
only relatively related to God-consciousness
reflected by Adjuster attunement, soul evolution, personality reality
110:6.7(1210;2) Jesus achieved p.c. on Mount Hermon
134:8.4(1493;3) so designated after recognition requirements of Havona circuits
14:5.4(158;7) sum total of personality realization and maturity
110:6.1,3(1209;1) 24 basic orders of human
p.o. 36:2.9(398;3) cannot penetrate to inner motives of religion
101:2.15(1107;7) study of another's religion
103:6.1(1135;3) not ancestors of birds
60:2.12(688;4) Greek
King of Egypt; translated Hebrew
into Greek 74:8.12(838;4) failing
p. test was boy's supreme humiliation
70:7.3(790;6) initiation involved much self-torture and cutting
70:7.3,6(790;6) Jesus passed through
p. at 13
124:5.1(1373;1) once common age for marriage
82:3.9(916;5) divine builders, celestial artisans
44:3.8-9(502;7) education of
p.o. is only safe way to accelerate civilization
71:2.2(802;1) exaltation of common man's collective ideas
88:3.4(970;5) has always delayed society; must be nonviolent
71:2.2-3(802;1) enter kingdom before religious rulers
173:3.2(1893;2) Pharisees referred to businessmen and tax gatherers as
138:3.4(1540;7) Associate Master Force Organizers and Universe Power Directors transmute p.e. to gravity-energy stage, ultimatons
42:6.3(476;5) energy transmuting from exclusive grasp of Unqualified Absolute to gravity grasp of Paradise
29:5.3(329;3) first phase of transmutation of segregata into universe power
42:2.10-11(470;1) forcible-reacting energy, not definitely responsive to Paradise gravity; form of ultimata
42:2.11,13(470;2) set in motion by Primary Master Force Organizers
42:2.11(470;2) ultimatons cannot independently deindividualize and return to
p.e. 42:4.8(473;6),
42:6.3(476;5) affectionate father never precipitate in visiting
54:5.4(617;4) corrective affection
142:2.4(1597;4) divine
p. is in reality inevitable consequence
2:3.2(36;7) follows transgression
148:6.3(1663;1) greatest
p. is loss of existence
2:3.2(36;7) idea of
p. was compensation for early man
70:10.12(796;2) no two persons likely to agree on
133:1.2(1469;1) severity less a deterrent than certainty and swiftness
(P's continue...)